Affordable, safe and secure housing.
We’re working on projects to increase and improve affordable housing supply and opportunities for all.
Our developments
Building a brighter future.
We develop affordable housing projects that are socially, environmentally and financially sustainable. We operate in areas of need where there is a shortage of alternative options.
We’re partnering with governments, businesses, communities and Uniting Church congregations to explore community need and develop housing options.
Our projects
St Andrew’s congregation has been a part of the Bendigo community since 1854 when they were gifted the land on Myers Street. The congregation benefited from this gift and so, since their 150th anniversary in 2004, the congregation has been trying to find a way to give back to the community.
Currently there are hundreds of households across Bendigo who are waiting for community housing and a safe and secure place to call home. We hope this development will help to fill this need by providing a large number of high–quality, modern, architecturally designed units.
Uniting is repurposing our Jessie St, Coburg site to provide much needed community and affordable housing, and new and improved amenities to continue delivering community services.
The need for community housing in Wangaratta is greater than ever as people struggle to keep a roof over their head because of increasing rent and home ownership out of reach for many.
This redevelopment of an existing low-cost housing site on Templeton Street will replace ageing buildings, which are no longer fit for purpose, with a new high quality architecturally designed building incorporating 44 units.
Our finished projects
Construction on 17 beautiful brand–new apartments in a mixed–use building in Sunshine was completed mid–2023.
Securing these apartments is part of our strategy to increase options for people struggling to find affordable homes to rent.
The building is situated in the heart of Sunshine, close to all essential
amenities, including retail shops, schools, parks, and public transport.
Find out more about affordable housing.

Continual improvement projects
Housing upgrades
Our 7-room Hazelmere property in Horsham received $392,000 in stimulus grant funding from the Victorian Government to renovate the facility.
This allowed us to upgrade the property and create three 2-bedroom units and five 1-bedroom units.
What was formerly a rooming house with shared common areas was converted to a property with independent living units for young consumers.
This is an excellent result for renters, who now have a greater sense of belonging and independence.
We also received a Victorian Government stimulus grant to provide upgrades and improvements to over 100 properties across the state.
The funding, valued at $821,000, will provide welcome property improvements to renters within the Uniting Housing portfolio.
Solar panels
We received $200,000 to install solar panels on community housing properties across the Central Highlands region and the Wimmera.
The funding was provided by Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions (BREAZE) and the Victorian Government – Solar Victoria rebate scheme.
Solar panel (PV) systems were installed on 51 properties owned and managed by Uniting Housing.
All electricity cost savings from the solar panel installations are claimed directly by renters of Uniting Housing.
Our partner network
Uniting Housing works closely with Uniting Church congregations and local communities on local affordable housing opportunities and responses.
We are proud to partner with government, other community and faith-based community services and the development sector to deliver new affordable housing and integrated support services.