Our vision and mission for Housing.

We support and strengthening personal, family and community life through the support and provision of social and affordable housing in Australia.

Our vision.

Uniting Housing is committed to supporting and strengthening personal, family and community life and contributing towards building a just, compassionate and sustainable society through the support and provision of social and community housing in Australia.

Uniting Housing will fulfill this vision by providing operational management services, support and guidance to Uniting Vic.Tas, Uniting Church presbyteries and congregations in the delivery of effective and sustainable social and community housing.

Our mission.

Uniting Housing’s core mission is to increase the availability of appropriate, secure and sustainable affordable housing, to strengthen communities and to assist those most in need. In order to succeed, Uniting Housing will:

Our 5 guiding principles


We will partner with local communities and Uniting Church congregations to explore community need, co-create housing options and deliver local housing investments together.


We put our consumers at the centre of our work, delivering housing where we can offer integrated service delivery to residents. This is a particular strength in many of the regional areas where we operate.


We develop affordable housing projects that are socially, financially and environmentally sustainable.


Decisions about where to operate are based on where we can provide a range of services, where there is demonstrable need and a lack of alternatives. Our developments must be economically feasible and offer competitive advantage.


Housing investments we make will all be considered and evaluated on a “stand-alone” basis, without ongoing cross subsidisation from other projects or reserves.