b'About Uniting Housing Uniting Housing incorporates two housing companies, Uniting Housing (Victoria) Limited which is a Community Housing Provider (CHP) registered with the Victorian Housing Registrar; and Uniting Housing (Australia) Limited which is a registered Tier 2 Community Housing Provider (CHP) under the National Regulatory System Community Housing.5 key principles guide ourWe provide affordable homes for individualsapproach to housing: and families in housing stress, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We1. Local provide inclusive housing services acrossWe will partner with local communities and Victoria and Tasmania to address a diverseUniting Church congregations to explore range of housing needs. community need, co-create housing optionsUniting Housing is committed to supportingand deliver local housing investments together. and strengthening personal, family and community connections. We work in2. Integrated partnership with Uniting (Victoria andWe put our consumers at the centre of our Tasmania) Limited (Uniting Vic.Tas) andwork, delivering housing where we can offer other community agencies so that peopleintegrated service delivery to residents. Thiscan access a range of supports in anis a particular strength in many of the regional integrated approach to service delivery. areas where we operate. 3. Sustainable The Uniting Housing andWe develop affordable housing projects that Uniting Vic.Tas partnership are socially, financially and environmentally sustainable. Uniting Housing and Uniting Vic.Tas have come together to make housing a priority for the4. Focused Uniting Church. This partnership is focused onDecisions about where to operate are based providing more social and affordable housing. on where we can provide a range of services, where there is demonstrable need and a lack of alternatives. Our developments must be economically feasible and offer competitive advantage. 5. EnduringHousing investments we make will all be considered and evaluated on a stand-alone basis, without ongoing cross subsidisationfrom other projects or reserves.'